Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Fun and tirinG day!

It's 14 July 2010. nothinG special.
here we Go!
Guess where we are~~
Got it ?

still don't know where we are ?
still ????
I think with these picture, it's pretty clear showinG that where are we now ~!
In a wednesday morninG, with my fellow colleaGue, we went to SUNWAY LAGOON!!!
I've been there this year but only the water park and the theme park.
This is the 1st time i'm in the EXTREME PARK>!!!!!
this ride is more fun that what i expected !!!
wow !!! so i'm Gonna Go for the more extreme one next time !!! wow ~!!!
however, before that ..there are some safety precaution.
from the picture above you can see me wearinG the arm protector.
and someone did too~!!!
Guess who.
nipplesprotection ..+.="
they have off days that niGht but i Gonna work @.@
i'm totally exhausted that day and beinG a ZOMBIE workinG that day @.@
thou it's a fun experience ~!!


oh~!!! so far i only attended 3 interview and 1 phone interview @.@
OMG!!! I'm Gonna be so dead !!!
FML!!! and now i'm havinG trouble lookinG for a place to stay before 26 this month @.@

Monday, July 12, 2010

I LOVE these shorts!!! superb!!!

Y.Y Y.Y Y.Y :P yaya ~!! :)
starts questioninG...
hrmmm..am I a nice Guy?
and am I lucky.


i wonder i wonder i wonder...

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Daddy was here attendinG some course.
I'm here, never Go back.
so it's really a Great thinG to saw those who close with you after a lonG time not seeinG each others.
so I went to KLCC to meet up with my dad.
I love hanGinG out with my dad.
he bouGht me some shirts and ties.
that's not the best thinG.
the best is he always wanted me to walk around with him instead of drivinG.
explored a lots of place with nice food.
and we usually drinks.
Just that this time I wonder why he don't want to drink??
may be I'm drivinG that niGht ?
he never says.
opps~! and I banG into Pink, Jenny, and Irene.
OMG! that morninG I was like browsinG throuGh Facebook and saw picture of them BBQinG celebratinG worldcup!
all of sudden.
I missed home! Y.Y
but daddy's here.
at least.
2 weeks later.
they will be here for my Graduation!
I'm finally Graduated and so Gonna find a real job.
GOD.Bless ME.


I wonder if I could Get a job?
or just that I Got thousands to spend every month without workinG?
or what if I won a lottery. but I never buy one @.@

Monday, July 5, 2010

I felt so LUCKY.

I feel that I'm so lucky. 
because I didn't Get 1st class honour in my deGree but I didn't fail it thou.
thx to God.
I feel that I'm so lucky.
because I did bad in my 1st interview and not Getting the job offer but the interviewer are beinG so nice since they share their experience with me and these widen my view for my future.
thx to God.
I feel that I'm lucky.
because I didn't Get a Civil EnGineer job or offer for the time beinG but at least I Get a job of beinG a waiter in RedBox Sunway.
It is a new experience thou.
and now I learnt that cleaninG up people mess is such a disaster.
thx to God.
I feel that I'm lucky.
because I don't own a house at Sunway but I Got some friends who willinG to let me crash at their place for so lonG and didn't complain about me.
thx to God. 
I feel that I'm lucky.
because I don't Get to Go home and enjoy my life after the exam but my parent's cominG to visit me soon :)
thx to God.
I feel that I'm lucky.
because I don't Get to eat pork everyday but my dinner and supper are free since it's included in my staff meals.
I feel that I'm lucky 
althouGht i always didn't Get what I want but I Get what I need.
thx to God.



I'm lucky because I now realized that of how much effort you Give, and that's how much you Get.
I didn't pay that much efforts, so these are what I Get but I felt that I'm so lucky because these is enouGh for me. :)
thx to God.