Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Fun and tirinG day!

It's 14 July 2010. nothinG special.
here we Go!
Guess where we are~~
Got it ?

still don't know where we are ?
still ????
I think with these picture, it's pretty clear showinG that where are we now ~!
In a wednesday morninG, with my fellow colleaGue, we went to SUNWAY LAGOON!!!
I've been there this year but only the water park and the theme park.
This is the 1st time i'm in the EXTREME PARK>!!!!!
this ride is more fun that what i expected !!!
wow !!! so i'm Gonna Go for the more extreme one next time !!! wow ~!!!
however, before that ..there are some safety precaution.
from the picture above you can see me wearinG the arm protector.
and someone did too~!!!
Guess who.
nipplesprotection ..+.="
they have off days that niGht but i Gonna work @.@
i'm totally exhausted that day and beinG a ZOMBIE workinG that day @.@
thou it's a fun experience ~!!


oh~!!! so far i only attended 3 interview and 1 phone interview @.@
OMG!!! I'm Gonna be so dead !!!
FML!!! and now i'm havinG trouble lookinG for a place to stay before 26 this month @.@

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