Friday, December 31, 2010

Revolutions of 2011

It's been 20 over years I've been livinG in this world !
OMG! I have no idea how fast the time passed by and how fast I Grow.
until the current size I am havinG riGht now,
HeiGht of 180cm and weiGht of 104kG(basically I think it's about 20kG Goes to my tummy Y.Y)
and as I remember, I sets Goals in my mind every starting of the new year and in the end, I don't even remember what is my Goal.
Out of sudden, my housemate, Kenneth Loo say that.
Hey, let's write down our Goals to achieve at 2011, and he went up to his room. End of story.
and I also went back to my room. Story still continues.
So I went back to my room and take some pen then heading forward to the livinG room, usinG the pieces of A1 size waste paper I stolen from my previous company.
Sit down seriously and think that what should I achieve in year 2011.
Therefore, here it Goes.
4 Main ThinG to achieve.
  1. LOSE 15kg at least
  2. Join the STAR Club.
  3. SMOKE less
  4. READ 3 books at least.
SettinG Goal is easy, but how about achievinG ?
yea...there are too many breakdown :) which is P&C (actually is just that I lazy to list it out here)
all these were written down and pasted at the wall of my room !!!
Come my house if wanna see lar !!! hhohoho
anyways !!! the last the of year 2010 and the cominG of 2011 !!!
thouGh no one can Go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new endinG !


I must achieve my GOAL!!!
There is a difference between interests and commitment.
When you are interested in doing something, you only do it when it is convenient.
When you are commited to something, you can accept no excuses, only results. !!


Friday, December 24, 2010




只要大家认为是可以的。就行了, 不是吗?

RM50 为什么值 50零吉呢?

所以他就叫做 50零吉咯?对吧?

总结来说,RM50 的纸币是金钱, 是因为大家都认同它是50零吉。
大家认为它值 50零吉,所以它就是有那个价值咯。

假设一个现代人和一个古代人相遇,而RM50 可以买两只鸡。




As lonG as everyone thinks that somethinG is that value...
it is that value.
no matter what it is .
what's the value of yourself ?
you set it ? or people set it ?
It depends on yourself .

Monday, December 13, 2010

In love with

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I wish i could...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's okay.

I don't mind, and it's non of my business.
Deepdown inside. It's another way round.
Yes, I mind, and I care!

Love is not blind

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ask !

Thursday, November 11, 2010



Friday, November 5, 2010


After all..
been few months without internet and proven I can live without it.
Things happened these few months.
I lost somethinG and I found somethinG.

GOD is fair enouGh.
He Gave you something and as a price GOD do took something else away from you.
Well. I am back to my bloG.
back to facebook.
back to life.
Please welcome me back to the internet world !!!


the same me but a little bit different ways of seeinG the world .

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Grown Ups

Watched this movie..
lauGhed from the starts till the ends.
felt so happy the whole day then ~! :)
it's so nice that best friends can hanG out toGether and share an old time memories.
ah..i missed my old friends even that there have been a lonG time we never been contacting each other .
i envy of those stupid thinGs that they did in the movie and that sometimes we did those too.
when we are younG.
we walk to school toGether.
we played basketball together .
we walked to a very far place just to chill and have our supper.
we talked to sleep once in a while.
we shares our thoughts.
we fiGht for our riGhts and honours toGether.
that's was once upon of time.
since we have our own drivinG licences.
since we have our own Girlfriends.
since we have our own new friends.
since we have our own new schools .
everythinG changed.
we just have our own ordinary life.
we don't need any others anymore.
oh , my dear friends since younG.
i missed you Guys very much .
missed all those time that we are toGether ! Y.Y


it's just so funny.
now a days , we have all those social network.
people connectinG each others just with few clicks.
we had each others in our friend lists.
but we just never Greet each others then.
what's wronG with the world ????

Sunday, August 22, 2010


JUst watched this movie yesterday..
and what is it about ???

paaakkk paaaakkk paakkkk heh hei hek haaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
taaa taaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaa taaaaaa taaaaaa..
all the good people survived and the bad people die....
end of story...
was sittinG nearby the sound system.
Kenneth say that he's Gonna be deaf.
because of the sound effect. .
:) but the action is nice larr :P
Gone for some drinks then.
only one pint of hoeGaarden takes me down @.@ 
uhhh...lemah nya ... T.T

my whole body dfelt so itchy dunno why @.@

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


24th July 2010. a date I'll never forGet!
It's my Graduation day!!!!
I'm finally Graduated as a Civil Engineer!!!
spotted me ?

my very huGe extra larGe sized course mate,Amaan!

with some of the course mate and lecturer.

lunch box from my precious friends as my Graduation Gift!!

after everythinG, talkinG, photo takinG, eatinG.
my parents and I Get into the car.
We plan to Go for a movie.
then a phone call from my uncle.
sayinG that my Grandma is in ICU.
we all GettinG nervous and worried.
few minutes later.
another phone call from my uncle.
it's a bad news.
Grandma passed away.


Grandma, GreG and Esther.
I missed you, popo.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Fun and tirinG day!

It's 14 July 2010. nothinG special.
here we Go!
Guess where we are~~
Got it ?

still don't know where we are ?
still ????
I think with these picture, it's pretty clear showinG that where are we now ~!
In a wednesday morninG, with my fellow colleaGue, we went to SUNWAY LAGOON!!!
I've been there this year but only the water park and the theme park.
This is the 1st time i'm in the EXTREME PARK>!!!!!
this ride is more fun that what i expected !!!
wow !!! so i'm Gonna Go for the more extreme one next time !!! wow ~!!!
however, before that ..there are some safety precaution.
from the picture above you can see me wearinG the arm protector.
and someone did too~!!!
Guess who.
nipplesprotection ..+.="
they have off days that niGht but i Gonna work @.@
i'm totally exhausted that day and beinG a ZOMBIE workinG that day @.@
thou it's a fun experience ~!!


oh~!!! so far i only attended 3 interview and 1 phone interview @.@
OMG!!! I'm Gonna be so dead !!!
FML!!! and now i'm havinG trouble lookinG for a place to stay before 26 this month @.@

Monday, July 12, 2010

I LOVE these shorts!!! superb!!!

Y.Y Y.Y Y.Y :P yaya ~!! :)
starts questioninG... I a nice Guy?
and am I lucky.


i wonder i wonder i wonder...

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Daddy was here attendinG some course.
I'm here, never Go back.
so it's really a Great thinG to saw those who close with you after a lonG time not seeinG each others.
so I went to KLCC to meet up with my dad.
I love hanGinG out with my dad.
he bouGht me some shirts and ties.
that's not the best thinG.
the best is he always wanted me to walk around with him instead of drivinG.
explored a lots of place with nice food.
and we usually drinks.
Just that this time I wonder why he don't want to drink??
may be I'm drivinG that niGht ?
he never says.
opps~! and I banG into Pink, Jenny, and Irene.
OMG! that morninG I was like browsinG throuGh Facebook and saw picture of them BBQinG celebratinG worldcup!
all of sudden.
I missed home! Y.Y
but daddy's here.
at least.
2 weeks later.
they will be here for my Graduation!
I'm finally Graduated and so Gonna find a real job.
GOD.Bless ME.


I wonder if I could Get a job?
or just that I Got thousands to spend every month without workinG?
or what if I won a lottery. but I never buy one @.@

Monday, July 5, 2010

I felt so LUCKY.

I feel that I'm so lucky. 
because I didn't Get 1st class honour in my deGree but I didn't fail it thou.
thx to God.
I feel that I'm so lucky.
because I did bad in my 1st interview and not Getting the job offer but the interviewer are beinG so nice since they share their experience with me and these widen my view for my future.
thx to God.
I feel that I'm lucky.
because I didn't Get a Civil EnGineer job or offer for the time beinG but at least I Get a job of beinG a waiter in RedBox Sunway.
It is a new experience thou.
and now I learnt that cleaninG up people mess is such a disaster.
thx to God.
I feel that I'm lucky.
because I don't own a house at Sunway but I Got some friends who willinG to let me crash at their place for so lonG and didn't complain about me.
thx to God. 
I feel that I'm lucky.
because I don't Get to Go home and enjoy my life after the exam but my parent's cominG to visit me soon :)
thx to God.
I feel that I'm lucky.
because I don't Get to eat pork everyday but my dinner and supper are free since it's included in my staff meals.
I feel that I'm lucky 
althouGht i always didn't Get what I want but I Get what I need.
thx to God.



I'm lucky because I now realized that of how much effort you Give, and that's how much you Get.
I didn't pay that much efforts, so these are what I Get but I felt that I'm so lucky because these is enouGh for me. :)
thx to God.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Been working lately.
staff meals included.
there are PORK free!
so it's has been a lonG time i never deal with PORK!
so one day which is just now.
with my fellow colleGue.
we drive all the way from Sunway to KeponG.
just for this pretty tasty not so spicy "spicy soup pork" 

it just nice.
may be lonG time never eat PORK already.
that's why.
if you ask me.
how to Go KeponG.
and where's the shop?
i just can't tell.
because they lead me there.
i just follow them :)
the only thinG i know is it's located near a bus stop!


Guess what .
i met HunGWenLih, my ex-classmate while workinG!
WTF! really unexpected lor!!
thouGht he's at Miri :)
and ah Kai too..and WTF! i forGot his name @.@

Friday, June 25, 2010

Laundry Bar. June 17, 2010.

it's my birthday.
it's somethinG GoinG on at  Laundry Bar.
so GreG Go and seek for the crowd.
met up with CheeHonG, Albert, and NaiCin~!
Italiannies as dinner.

An Honest Mistake is AWESOME!
the cocktail GreG ordered and the mini pizza is so tasty <3
First Time sittinG and eatinG at the bar.
kinda nice and different feelinG.
First time drinkinG Kilkenny.
enjoy the music and watchinG world cup!
and that's how i spend my birthday niGht~
thanks God.
i'm 23~!
23=Micheal Jordan, Beckham. etc etc.


Birthday wish : "no need to work but Got uncountable money to spend."
that's all.
thanks for everyone's GreetinG.replied all :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

All by Myself~

wake up alone.DrivinG alone.Lost in no where alone.Go traininG class alone.eatinG alone.watched Karate Kids alone.watched Toy Story 3 3D that are not really that nice only the endinG kinda make me wanna cry home and saw the Pudu Jail underGoinG demolition and a lots of photoGrapher there then Get a bit lost alone.Get in the lift alone
Oh!i'm all alone....
oh!i'm all by myself., myself.


that's life...
that's the price that needed to be paid for GettinG paid from two side ...
FML...workinG life @.@

Thursday, June 17, 2010



what a BLAST!!!
I work like hell and passed my 12am alone in the toilet at the place I work...
I "baked" some unedible "cake"..
the candle I liGht is my ciGGy...
I blow out smoke...
and my wish is no more troublesome customer come so that i can off earlier....
and I wonder that why the fuck I wanna work so soon!!! 
I should be at some island beinG drunk by now and beinG thrown into the cool and freezinG sea...
and GoinG crazy with someone else....
worst thinG is I can't have my phone while on duty...
and when i off from work...checked my sms...
only FeiErh and XiaoHan Greeted me Happy Birthday ...
FeiErh is the 1st ...
XiaoHan text Got Gan donG dao me lo ~!!!  Y.Y
it's my 23rd birthday~~!!
i'm a Grown up adult dy..
i should be stronG and independent.
i should be mature.
i hope so.
and i will.

HAPPY 23rd Birthday, GreG!!
Happy Mother'sandFather's day~~!! thanls to my parents for creatinG me!
oppss...same situation but i'm in toilet and mobile phone in locker ~! :P

Sunday, June 13, 2010


While you yell at your girl, there's a guy wishing he could whisper sweet things in her ear.

While you humiliate your girl, insult her, offend her, and degrade her, there's a guy who appreciates her and reminds her of what a great girl she is.
While you hit your girl, there's a guy wishing he could make love to her. 

While you make your girl cry, there's a guy that is always making her smile. 

If you don't take care of your girl, someone else will take care of her for you, and there's nothing that you will be able to do if she ever decides to go with him and forget about you.

