the last time BABI KILL with friends at hometown is....
i also can't remember already!!!!
so it's lonG lonG lonG time aGo ...
really really very very very very lonG time aGo~!

didn't do BABI KILL party already~!!!
Lets do it~! as suGGested by MichelleLim ! !!
here comes a BABI KILL party that GreG loves!!!
ah~烧鸡翼~!我中意食!(erm..sorry~! haven't Go to cut my hair ~ >.<)

the most i ate is lamb~!!!
wow~! it Got so many "lemak" on it~!
bakar until Got a bit hanGus~!
taste damn Good wei~! ^.^

uh~! tips for BABI KILL!
if wanna BBQ prawn~!
put a lots a lots of butter on the aluminium foil then balut it carefully~!
it takes times but taste damn nice wei !
this time ~! T.T
i forGet to 包好好...
so.. instead of the tasty prawn ~!
it turns out become 虾干 ! T.T
how sad~ >.<

she's the BEST KAKAK plus servant of the niGht plus orGanizer plus cook plus etc etc~!!!
thx to her~! we can have BBQ!
and also thanks to JeanettePanG who let us to held the BBQ party at er house~~!
Group picture!!!!

CAMWHORE appeared!!!
emptied up the battery ~! >.<
next time bbq dun call u.. :P
hohoho~ let's BABI KILL!
wth! why!!!!
hahaha ~!
you haven't seen the worst one ~! wahkakak ~! the worst one ~! :P
hehe ~! Got chance show you ~! wahhahaha ~!
becoz u said babi kill instead of babi Q.. so i dun invite u.. :P
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