Half way durinG the International Civil EnGineerinG niGht..
KON called GreG...
GreG: don't know..why ?
Kon: Tony involved in car accident,,now on the way to hospital~! he left his phone in his house !!!
GreG: OMG~!!! Serious??
Kon: Just some scratch...
Then we rushed to meet Kon...
Tony ride a bike...
and the bike is underneath the car ~!! O.O
now we really worried...
we Get the point why KON said it was just some scratch!!! wow !!
Rush to hospital...wait..since he's in the emerGency room...
his housemate send him back...
and what we really saw on his body after the accident are really JUST SOME SCRATCH~
he is really a damn lucky Guy...
luckily he falls into the drain...
or else..i can't imaGine what will happen !! huh !!
WAIT!! did i mention that he is a damn noisy Guy??
yupe ..even when he came out from the emerGency room..
under shock..he still talks alots ~!! :)
then he went home and then to the police station for interview...
so this video is how he walk after the car accident...
he say that his whole body pain ....and the pain is killinG him...
wow ~!! TONY!! you are damn lucky the accident din kill you ~! :)
huh !! and ..hehe ..really JUST some SCRATCH~!!
thx GOD~!!
hmmph !! next time would you dare to take short cut aGain ???
wahahaha !!
Moral of this story...never take short cut ~! :P
btw...the very next day..
there is a match by my team and his team ~! :)
hahahaha ..pity !!!
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