and it was yesterday niGht did you Guys joined the crowd ???
HOWEVER~!!the niGht was just way too AWESOME~!!!
it was their last performance at UNMC~!! T.T
why last ? i don't know ~ perhaps they are GraduationG ~??soon ?? so sad T.T
the Guy in red shirt, ERIC is so damn lenG cai damn MAN wei ~!!
i LOVE him so much ~!!
he can play Guitar ~ basketball~Good lookinG~etc.etc.
(yea ~ sounds kinda Gay ~! i know ~!! but bare in mind ~! i'm not GAY :P because.....wanna know ??(click here )
remembered ? i meantioned in my previous post ~!!
so i Go to support support ~ :P haha ~!
wah ~! they have damn alots of supporters wei ~!! ^.^
and they really make the hall ROCKS~!!!! :P
and Guess what ~!!
it's AMELIA~!!!
haha~i thouGht she will play keyboards or what ~!!!
wow ~!! never expected she plays the DRUMS~!!!
cool rit ~!!!
and she's the only girl who join the band ~!
the band i meant is all the band that niGht :P
hehe :P
However T.T
5AM and THE LAST MINUTES doesn't win the contest ~!
but the MBA Get it ~!!!
haha~!! the VIVA LA VIDA that they presented is nice ~!! :P
and they are Good at interactinG with the audience~!!
so everyone started to have fun then ~! ^.^
YEE MIN izzit ??
i'm not sure~!! but seriously ~!!!
she sanG very very well ~! :P
AMIR~!!! wow ~!! he is so so so cool ~!!!!
haha ~ an dsinging also nice ~!
nah ~ show you the video he sinGinG ~ ^.^
nice ?? :P
also ~!!!
not only they can win the prize rit ???
how about ME ~!!!!! ?????
i do win some prize ~!!!
for the lucky draw of course ~!!! :P
i'm so damn lucky ~!!!
i never Get a prize from lucky draw~!!!
so this is my 1st prize ~!! from the lucky draw :P
so lucky rit ???
or should say unlucky ???
because ~!!!
i won some SANDWICHES ~!!!!yeah~!!! conGratulations ~!!!
that means another KGs~!!
and a biGGer tummy ~! T.T
because i have it as my DINNER~!!
or perhaps SUPPER~!!! >.<
my tummy is damn big now ~! i know T.T
shit ~!
1st~i wish i would have a nice body like ERIC :P
2nd~kns this times ~!!
i have to find back ups because my 2nd landlord...Mr. Liew ChonG Shan is GoinG to ask a "secret" Girls to stay in~!
and i felt like there's a larGe percentaGe kena halau `!! F**k ~
i hate this feelinG~!!
shit ~ i'm so lazy to move in and out again ~!!!F**K~!!!
i'm not tryinG to offense that Girls ~!! or him ~!!!
but is that he thinkinG too much ~!???
or that Girls have problems with me ~!! ???
what the hell~!!! m* ch* b*i ~!!!
I guess god want you to be fat. See he gave you bread. hahhaha.....
If trade your fatness with shortness want or not??? hahahaha
secret gal.. who scare u'll rape her.. 4 sure.. XD
greg.. y dun u join a band 2?? go 4 d punk 1.. u sure look gr8 in tat way.. n i'll definitely put my vote on u.. hehe..
when u say u win some price i tot u got urself a gal wa.. wut a disappointment..
n 3C ask a good qiestion.. trade weight wif height.. will u?? XD
haha ~ if i very eng toa but short then nvm lar ~ :P wahkaka ~ :P
u damn lucky!!!
hahaha bread & tuna!!!!!
apa tu eng toa??
eng tao means good looking in hokkien ~ :P
haha ~ racheal ~ you so fast go back penang :P missed out the fun oledi :P haha ~!!! ^.^
ok greg.. seriously..
now.. u'r so cool.. go join a rock band.. rock band doesnt need outstanding look.. all they need is d passion.. do u hv it?? i think u do.. n from d btm of my heart.. i think u'r real cool..
n i think u'll gain some reputation from it.. n oso some experience..
do something when u'r young.. when u still capable of..
go man.. i reli hope i can c u rock on d stage n turn everybody on!!
wah ~ ^.^
what happen there ??? ~~~ :P
where where?? dragon or eyes on the sky?? XD
yalo!!! i missed out the fun!
i saw the video, Last Minutes was awesome!!!
haha ~ wow ~ they are fantastic :P
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