Friday, July 17, 2009


Since MichelleLim is leavinG to Australia aGain tomorrow ~! ^.^
yeah ~! farewell for her~!!!
Firstly ~! we Go to a cafe called "SNOW TALK" ...
attended : Fabian, Michelle,Bartho, Shoo, Alfred, GreG, HuiXin, Fifi,...
awhhh ~!!
and accidently met IVY and boyfriend, Eunice and boyfriend~!
have some ice and chit-chat....
bye bye ~!! Go home ~!
Good niGht ~!
Michelle ~! Bon VoyaGe~!!!
nah nah ~! you thouGht we so "Guai zhai" mer ?? Go home so early ~! :P
haha ~! we Go for 2nd round for Singapore Mihun ~!! wew ~!
we have been lonGing to Go there since CNY ...
aiks ..but T.T...we are all Gamble GOD!!!
CNY Gamble till midniGht~!!!
haha ~!
and finally ~!
we are there ~! yeah ~!
2nd round...with these dude..
Shoo and Aubo exchanGinG Fabian
Fifi and Bartho
Michelle and HuiXin
and this ALFERD hor ....
someone said and promise and swear to STOP consuminG alcohol...
now~see what is he doinG ???
haha ~!!! EVIDENCE.~!!!!
and it's taken today ~!
and below is the post he said wanna stop consuminG alcohol ~!! wew ~! ^.^
to see his post about that ~
(click here) and most important (clickhere)

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