Thursday, August 20, 2009

My First Time~

i can still remember.... and it was still fresh in my memory...
Like if it was just happened yesterday...
that was my 1st time...
i Gave out my precious FIRST time....
it was a stranGe feelinG....
and i will never ever forGet this "once in a life time" experience~! Actually it doesn't sounds like what you read just now...
it actually happened two days aGo...
i Go to Kota Kinabalu for some business....
After everythinG was done...
i drove around and i saw the "pretty one" ~!
somehow...i don't know why...
i was attracted...
i parked my car some distance away and approached...
then everythinG starts.
my FIRST time Gone ~!!! T.T
This is the 1st time i can't finish my food ~! T.T
and also the 1st time i tried Philippine dishes..

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