it was 9am.
After Breakfast Hokkien Mee with Cindy and Irene...
We went to HIM HEANG to buy some "hand letter" for friends !
and it was OUT OF STOCK!!!! OMG!!! GIMME MY HIM HEANG!!!
so i Guess i have to Come back at 3 later T.T
GOOD LUCK!!! they study ! ^.^
so i have to explore PENANG by myself!!!
first place i Go in is here ! aih ! what is this buildinG ? can see from the pic ! no need to say dy! ^.^
i should buy a tripod so that i could CAMWHORE!!!!
walk aGain...another templ!!!!
walk.....Yap KinGsi Clan House...
walk...Khoo KonGsi Clan...
some nice interior in the Clan House!!!
walk.....Cheah KonGsi Clan....
nice exterior!!!! ^.^
and SNOOPY who always around !!!!!!

these are the FOOD i ate at PENANG that day !
i start walkinG! and enjoy my VACATION under the freakinG hot sun !
and i Get SUNBURN after that ! aihhhh!!!! terlupa apply sunblock T.T sakit !
then...St. GeorGe Church ! the oldest AnGilican Church!!! :)
hehe ~!but still ! without any tripod ! i still can CAMWHORE!! wow !
my tears keep on cominG out from my eye !!!!!
why ??? because seriously like a lots of SMOKE in side !!! wow !!!
CIVIL ENGINEERs must come here !
pay respect for the father of enGineer !!!
i wanna Go to the Traditional Clan Jetties.
i wanna Go to the Churh Street Pier.
i wanna Go to the TanjonG City Marina.
i wanna Go to the Victoria clock tower.
I wanna Go to the Fort Conrnwallis.
i LOST ! i TIRED !
with some helps! i am finally home !!! wow !!! ^.^
tired wei !
at niGht Go church with Jessica and her parents....supper....Go home!
for lettinG me stayinG at your place!!!
and IRENE who speak Hokkien all the time until i can catch up a bit with Hokkien already !!!!!
and the shower head!!! i wanna Get one back home !!! ^.^
it was so comfortable showerinG with it!!!!
and ! OMG!!! GIRLs are HORRIBLE!!!!
walauwer !!!
need so much thinG kah ???
wahhaha !
After church....and supper and Get back to Cindy house !
called EVONNE!!! this FFK QUEEN!!! wahahaha !!! so busy !
didn't Get to see her for the whole PenanG Trip!!! ^.^
Cindy was in a JAM and not able to Get back so fast....
so i can't Get in the HOUSE!!!!
so playinG with camera aGAin !!!
EMO +inG~! :P
and until Cindy comes back !!!!
she saw me sittinG there at the GaraGe !
she ask me why don't Get in ???
"why don't you just turn the door knob and Go in???"
she never lock her house !!! wahahha ! WTF!!!
STUPID ME! waitinG there !! wahahha !!!
We wanna Go out chillinG but then her friend called ~! ^.^
wazzup ?
haha ~! car break down !!!!
we tryinG to Get some jumpstart wire to recharGe the battery !
and Cindy's brother say petrol station can find some...
so we Go to the nearest petrol station to Get one !!!
ended up we travelled the whole island from the nearest to the furthest petrol station askinG the same question and GettinG the same answer NO!
At last....we manaGed to Get one after callinG a friend which her dad's owns a mechanic shop!.
the problem is not because of the battery !!!!@.@
wahhahaha ~! so funny lar ! busy the whole niGht!!! but it was FUN!!!

and i found THIS!!!
oh GOSH!!!!
CHINESE GOD also like to ROCKsssssssssss!!!! :P
uh !! PENANG was FUN!!!!
aGAin ! thx to CINDY, her Brother, IRENE, Jessica, and her Parents.
and really really thank you CINDY!!!
for GettinG me those biscuits from HIM HEANG and lettinG me to stay at your place!!!
and accompany me even when you are busy !
thx thx !!