after called EvonneKhoo and CindyYeap...
i decided to Go PENANG for a VACATION....
to relax and clear my mind...since Cindy promised to let me stay at her house !!!
i ajak ALBERT but then he FFK me T.T if not we will be leavinG at 5am and earned another half day of VACATION!!!!
I posted at FACEBOOK and MSN "i'm drivinG to PENANG TOMORROW!who wanna follow ! left a messaGe or call me" may be i'm lucky enouGh to Get someone else to accompany me !!!
then i Go sleep...
the Next morninG....
JessicaNG MSN me and say she wanna Go back since she never Go back for so lonG already !
she thought tomorrow ! i say ! NOW! she say WOW!
prepared! and just GO!!!!
few hours later ! we found that we almost reach IPOH already !
the traffic is smooth until it was raininG when we almost reached IPOH.
because a terrible accident happenned....
i saw a proton iswara crashed...the head and back was totally "squeeze" into the passanGer and driver seat....i don't think anyone survived in it T.T OMG!
and everyone still lookinG at it and that's why there was a jam at that particular road.
reached PENANG!
Go cindy house to put my stuff and car.
JessicaNG drive me around.
Met up with her friends TonG and Lok..! they are so funny!
i lauGh like hell listeninG to them GossipinG!
interestinG story huh !!!
wahahha ! that's Girls always do izzit ??:P wahhaha
a Japanese restraunt which owned by a weirdo Japanese...but yet have a nice feel and decoration.
there are some others menu such as Ninja.Samurai.ShoGun. etc etc.
i Guess this is what they eat durinG that time..
what you eat dcepends on your status. :P
i curious about that so i ordered !!!
tasted wierd at 1st but later on ! it was nice !!! ^.^ yummy!!!
i love the shashimi especially the cod fish !!!
however T.T the unaGi tasted not so nice !!!! T.T
i don't know why :P
and then....
All of us went to Gurney Plaza.
and wanna chill there.....met Taryn there....
they all are so funny...story that Taryn tellinG ! the reaction of TonG! and so on !!
haha ! the whole niGht i didn't talk much but just lauGhinG only !!! wahahahha !!!
even that it was so hot in Malaysia which doesn't have WINTER!!!
tasted weird T.T
can't really take it !!!
can't really take it tooo !!!!
acceptable !!!!
but i'm too full to finish them at last T.T
haha ~! two is better than one! this makes me recall about a sonG !
by Boys like Girls and Taylor Swift!!!
so..yea..proudly presented you Guys !!!two is better than one !
wow ~!
beinG random was so nice !!!!!
my mum called and i tell her i am at UNI...TISCRA...
but i'm actually at Gurney dy ~!
wow ~! if she know i travel to PENANG the 2nd day after i Get the car ah !
wow ~! i sure kena bomm dy !
wahahha ~! shhhhh!!! don't tell her !!!
hahhahaha! i toild u both mix together better lo =P
better make sure ur mum don find out o...haha :)
glad u had a nice day out in penang.. ^^
do bring me go makan angin when i go visit u yea~?! ^^
oh.. i'll let ur mom know where'hv u been.. no worries.. looooool.. not exactly going 2 do tat tho.. hehe.. nighty~ weeee..
had a nice day ya.. ^^
si soi zai..
it's a nice song btw =)
hahahaha ~! YOU GUYS!!!! :P
penanG was fun !!! hahaha ~! and i GAIN KGs there!!! OMG!
ehem ehem.. r u complaining ? =P
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