Like what it was stated in the title ~!
Hurray ! 1 down 3 more to Go !!!
So riGht after finished the 1st paper~!
and riGht after basketball~!
and riGht after callinG Albert~
and riGht after shower ~
YEAH~!!! WENT to The Mines~!!!
now is showered with Chinese New Year feel ~!!!
GonG Xi GonG Xi GonG Xi ni ah ~! it's GoinG to be Chinese New year soon ~!!! ^.^
So what aGain ~!! SheeSha~!!
i'm so in love hanGinG out and chit-chat meanwhile smokinG Sheesha ~!! ^.^
Waw ~!! i LOVE SheeSha~! and Albert ^.^
and this is my Dinner ~!!
yea~! We are at RiverSide Grill and Bar ~!!! aGain ~!!
love that place love the ambience ~~!! we even saw fireflies~!!! :)
So ~!! i had my Lunch plus Dinner plus Supper :)
and have a nice talk with Albert ~!!
talk talk talk talk talk ~!!
Still talkinG while with mouthful of food ~! X.X
later tercekik mati baru tahu ~! :/
WTF~!! why am i always lost @.@ FML~!!!
ah ~! almost forGet ~!!
damn funny while havinG exam ~!!
is about my dearest cute lecturer, Dr. Mustapha Boulbibane~
As i found my seats and wanted to sit down~
M: Are you at the riGht exam room?
G: yea ? #.# *confused*
M: This is Geotechnical EnGineerinG 3, for Year 3 Civil enGineerinG..are you sure??
G: yupe ~! this is it ~! :)
M: Are you sure ? i never seen you in my class before...
G: *blush* haha ~! OMG~! seriously ??? (may be i missed to much class :P)
will i hv d same problem when i c u? LOL
Haha looks like ur hair is looking better d lol~~ Gd luck on yea next paper as i m going to kill my paper later =.= dear neighbour..
good luck in your coming papers
PIG- wahaha ~! sure lar ~!! see where we Go lar ~!! opps ~! won't make any different :)
Shin- haha ~! Good luck in ya exam ~! ^.^
HL- yoyoyo ~!! u also lar ~!! eat lar ~!! today met lihtinG and Gab they say u never makan one ~! :P
thnx!! i wanna die liao laaaa finance and management back to back mati =| wanna relax like u also cannot!
== i dun get u lately
definitely nth 2 do wif exam
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