18 September 2009~
is the last time i saw JANET this year....
Met her at MidValley and have our teatime at SWEETCHAT...
opps~! she's with the boy friend, Ah Hong ~!
and i became the BIG liGht bulb ~! T.T
oh ~! and we met Melissa at MV accidentally that day ~!! wow ~!!!!
Then they send me to Bangsar for monorail ~!
and from there i reached GOMBAK and met an old friend ALEX~!!!!
We GoinG to GentinG ~!! ^.^
hurray ~!!!!!
so nice ~!!!
but yet ! it's the 1st time i can Get into the casino successfully~!!!
but still ~! T.T
the Guard checked my ID ~!
wow ~! that's means i still looks younG ~! hurray ~!!!
is that somethinG i need to be happy about ~!? ??? =.="
that was CheeHowe Birthday~!!!
and that's also the 1st time i met him ~! ^.^
Happy birthday dude~!!!
this is also another 1st time ~!!!!
We went to Police station at GentinG for the very 1st time in our life time ~!!!
OMG~!! not because of we did some crime ???
just that one of the friend lost his ID ~!! OMG~!!! speechless....=.="

after that ! we went for casino ~!!
with RM 100 ~!
i can only play for 7 bets only T.T
Luckily the ATM breakdown or else ~! i think i will lose all my money~!!!
thanks GOD ~!!!.
Slept at 7am and wakes up at 10am ~!!!
and we decided to take skyway~!!!

that's Malaysian ~! :P

dude ~! try to quite or you die faster ~!!!
after havinG some rest and prepared ~!!
we Go KlanG ~!!!
and wow ~!!
what is famous in KlanG ???
yeah !!! we tasted it ~!! BA KUT TEA ~!!!
yummy ~!!!!
wow ~! that was a nice one ~!!!

yea ~!! Little Tree Cafe ~!!!!
end of one day~!
for ManU vs ManC ~!!!!
since it was cold ~!!
LET's have some BEER ~~!!!
wow ~!!!!
it was a nice trip ~!!
for the trip and lettinG me to stay at your house ~!! ^.^
see you on wednesday at my place ~!!!!
wow ~!
all my friends ~!! i missed you Guys so much ~!!!
hope that we can have more GatherinG soon or lateR ~!!
and wth with the weather ~!!!
everytime it rains when i'm takinG public transport ~!!!
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