missinG for 5 days ~!!!
GoinG for 3 days 2 niGht at Mabul and 2 days 1 niGht at Sandakan ~!! ^.^
and that was awesome fun ~!!!!
here's what we did ~!!! :P
i Guess pictures talks better so...
here's the trips Goes ~! yahhooooo!!!!
we finally reached Spheredivers' homestay ~!!!
SnorkelinG ~!!
it's sort of like GamblinG ~!
you win you can take all the money ~!!
Good ~! Malaysia future Gamblers ~!!
Sandy beach and clear seawater ~! :P
and playinG with sand~!!
Alcohol and cigarettes makes my days ~!!!
but too bad our HonG konG friends doesn't Get used to it and ended up GoinG to toilets for uncountable time ~! hahaha ~! kinda pity !
enjoyinG the sunshine and the winds ~!
too tired !!!
Sleeping ~!
LOVE the life there ~!!
the best thinGs i like ~!!
wow ~!!!!
this is the 1st time i Go for divinG ~!!! ^.^ awesome ~!!!
so HAPPY!!!!
wow ! this was my 1st dive and i am so nervous ~!
but after a while...i found out that it was comfortable in 12meters deeps in the seawater ~!
i rather choose to stay at the homestay area~! :P
the desiGn are so nice and special ~!!! :P
In the eveninG ~!
another dive !!!!
and we saw 5 turtles this time ~!!!
and one is as huGe as 3/4 of my size ~!!!
wow ~!!! ^.^
all the staff and the boss sayinG Good bye to us ~!
and we now headinG to Sandakan ~!!!
the matinG infront of us ~!!
and what ????
the whole process finished in not more than 1 minutes i Guess ~!!! omG ~!
bouGht durian for them to try ~!!!
wow ~! Durian ~!! KinG of all fruits ~!!!
Alex have a try on it ~!!
wahhahaha ~!!!
dude ~! learn to eat durian ~! it was so nice ~!!!
that's my 5 days trips with them ~!!!!
and the whole trips ~!!
we have been eatinG so much ~!
i think i Gained another 5kGs ~!!!
They left to Kota Kinabalu and i HeadinG back to Tawau ~!!
i wish i could join them ~!!!
but ~~~~
too bad i can't ~!
because ~!!
i'm GoinG to MABUL aGain ~!!!
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