Friday, February 12, 2010

2days before CNY

Second day back at Tawau..
DimSum breakfast with mom..
then in the afternoon....
Go kacau at friend's flower shop ~!
Valentine's Day is around the corner ~!!!
so many flower !! and they are so busy ~! :P
Help to deliver flower to hotel ~! ^.^
and this is so lovely ~!!
YihShin's notes to Kenneth ~!!
so happy to see them toGether ~! ^.^
in the eveninG ~!!
wow ~! i wonder how lonG i never been to this place that i used to be at almost everyday since hiGhschool~
niGht ~!! Yumcha aGain with whole Group of friends ~!!!
and after that !! practise "LAMI"...
and this practise makes me lose a lots of money Y.Y
see what i did to my phone because Valentine's Day ~!!
ended up so hard for me to read messaGe Y.Y