Saturday, February 6, 2010


One of my "playmates" since younG, YunG..
was havinG a holiday at KL~
so we decided to meet up at MidValley~
felt lazy to Go out that day actually...
plan to swim but it rains ~
so met up with ALBERT and asked SENG to Go MV toGether~!
wow ~! senG was so happy~!
see he is clappinG his hands ~! :)
walked around and see this shorty fatty Mc.Donald~!
and meet some new friend and also the yunG BF~! ^.^
.Soon ~!
Sheesha aGain at the same place.. LakeSide Grill and Bar..
Cups of mochachino~
Caesar salad~
Country SpaGhetti~
.chit chat ~!
reached home..some man's talk !~
wow ~! really a nice talk ~!! ^.^
picture of the day ~! EMO senG ~!!
wahahaha ~!!

i wanna Go home !!!! huh !!!
5 more days !!! ^.^
hurray !!!!

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