3rd day of CNY!!!~
the GAMBLING business is GettinG worst !!!
now !! we use all our time to Gamble !!!
evern while eatinG !!! NO WASTING of TIME!!!
but i lose until wanna be thief and steal HonGGor wallet !! Y.Y
nolar !! we just sinG K because i damn broke dy T.T
cheh ..and i post this pic purposely because i looks a bit skinny in this pic ~!:P
haha ~!! still this biG GROUP!!! :P
wow ~!!! i seriously love tiGer year because a lots of friend are back !!! ^.^
aih ..but too bad ..see my money losinG face ??? Y.Y
aih ..but too bad ..see my money losinG face ??? Y.Y
MONEY ar ..why you Guys so afraid of me ???
come to me bah Y.Y
see i so sad withou you Guys T.T
Gamble till late then just Go home ~! ...to be continued ...
I have a BABY dy !!!
i felt sorry that i friGhtened him... Y.Y
i wanna play with him mana tahu can't tahan my disturbinG Gens....
i friGhtened him Y.Y sorry Adriel ..... i know you will have a niGht mare at niGht Y.Y
have a baby is fake ~!!
have a baby is fake ~!!
but see...
wow ~!! and my GIRLFRIENDS transformed into BEAR!!! Y.Y
wow ~!! and my GIRLFRIENDS transformed into BEAR!!! Y.Y
awwhhh !!!
actually ..that niGht we are havinG potluck dinner at Aubo's house ~!
and i'm "playinG" with my new Tees ~! :P
see this cake ..if it's baked at 1st day of CNY which also Valentine's Day ..
see this cake ..if it's baked at 1st day of CNY which also Valentine's Day ..
then it would be so much more meaninGful ~! :P
it was HuiJen, Marie, AiJinn 's birthday !! same as meaninGful and important !!!
so ~!! the Birthday Girls and all of US~!!
wow ~!! still that biG GEOUP~!! nice ~! ^.^
Best thinG of the niGht !!!!
we hanGout at the play Ground chasinG our childhood memories ~!!
oh ~!! seriously miss those days when we are so younG until we don't need to care or worried about anythinG !!! Y.Y
oh ~!! seriously miss those days when we are so younG until we don't need to care or worried about anythinG !!! Y.Y
i miss my younG days T.T
ok...HOuse visited.
1st . FenG's house
2nd. VuiSenG's house
3rd. Alfred's house
4th. Aubo's house.
aih.....my CNY BAI NIAN almost done already T.T
cause i'm GoinG back at 17th Feb Y,Y yihh..
i miss my hometown !! i don't wanna leave Y.Y
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