i accidentally remembered that i actually have a laboratory to attend~~
so~i run like hell to catch up the time ~
so tired ~ T..T
because i put on weiGht aGain >.<
another reason that makes me tired is because ~~
yesterday ~~
i enjoyed too much ~ :P
so in the morninG..i wake up early in the morninG ~
JOSEPH msn me asn ask me Go breakfast !!!
then here we Go ~
our breakfast ~~!! see the pic below ~ that's mine ~~
so yummy ~~ :P
wahsheh ~~ we never know that the bread is this thick ~
JOSEPH told me that everyone is lookinG at us when they serves us the bread~
damn pai sheh :P
kept talkinG about JOSEPH~~
do you know how he looks like ???
hrmm ~~ describe a bit 1st ~~
he is a FAT and CHUBBY Guy that likes to eat~~
more detail~>??
refer to the picture below ~
my best "Makan Khaki"~~
fits with the description riGht??
say YES~!!
MUST say YES ar~!!!
so puas~~满足~~satisfied~~
to find more satisfactory ~~
2 hours later ~~
we asked our another 2 "makan khaki"~
headinG to eat "Bak Kut Teh"~
my description is so true~!!
JOSEPH LEO~ my Best "makan khaki" really can eat ~!!!
and likes to eat ~ :P
see ~~!!!
Then we Go TESCO~~!!!
especially the stupid FAT CATS ~
that steal my tasty chicken and break my plates T.T
and also ~!!! steal one of my shoes ~ T.T
now i have to buy another new shoe~ >.<
because i wear it durinG a-levels:P
haha ~~ kinda nostalgia these day ~ :P
and it only cost RM 26 ~ :P waw ~!
At niGht~
it's the EAT and WATCH time ~~
we "tapao" KFC and watch a stupid pirated DVD :P
shit ~~ really shouldn't but pirated DVD ~ T.T
the quality damn sucks ~
we Get cheated because we thouGht the movie should be excitinG as showed in the cover ~
shit ~ :P
so don't ever buy pirated DVD ~~
let's download ~ :P
ALL my "makan khaki" will be GraduatinG 2 months later ~~~
i'm so sad ~~
is the real sad ~~
not that "SinGle.Available.Desperate." SAD~!
walao, the curry laksa n the bak kut teh look so tasty lor... i wanna EAT ar.... hahaha =)
wei wei.. me oso ur akan khaki la..
n 1 more thing.. when ur makan khaki gone.. i dun think u'll kurus coz u'll eat 4 them as well..
so when they'r gone.. u'll eat more than now.. n will get "bigger n bigger".. lol
wait me bak la.. we go eat 2gether n jim 2gether.. lol
how come the cat stole your shoe?
and i thought cat eats fish one..why chicken?
so funny
i wanna eat the bak kut teh too@.@
greg..when fei erh and i go back to msia latter time, bring us there, ok?
haha ~~ the curry laksa really damn tasty ~~
i love it so much ~
wahkaka ~~ i go there so many times ~~ this is the 1st time i eat the curry laksa ~~ wow ~~ totally you gan dong dao ~ :P
wahkaka ~ :P
okok ~~you guys faster come find me lar ~~ don't sekali gus all come ar ~~ wahkaka ~~
yi ge yi ge lai ~~ so i have more chance to go out play ~ yeah ~ !! ^.^
keep eating eating n eating oni o...!!!ur previous post of the 1st photo show how THIN u are o!!!now???OMG~!
play play play.. study well n come england la..
i bring u go play la when u come here.. lol
i'm hving a good nite again wif my m8s here.. awesome.. lol
faz faz come.. it'll b better if u'r here.. looking forward 2 c u here..
Yea, Fei Erh made the point! How come the cats eat chicken? and shoes?
jean~~ T.T
i wanna be as kurus as you `~~T.T
how u so kurus one ar??
CHS~~~spnsor me~~wahkaka:P
dolly~~~ :P
the cats are stupid ~~~:P
they take too much weeds oledi~~
then damn high dy~~thougy my chicken and shoe is fish T.T
i din know we are u so important!!!! hahaha
anyway u got new frens to go TESCO d la.... u wont b bored 1 la!!!! :P
=== unless u go WorkAndTravel again... if not.. it is impossible for u to KURUS bac.....=)hahahhaaaaa
what the heck T.T
i where Got ~~~
yish ~
how often i Go tesco ?
yish ~ i wanna Go sinG K lar ~ T.T
who's CHS??
Chin Howe Siong ~~
which means ~~ you ~!!! piG ~!!!
where is the kopitiam to eat curry??
woi.. full name without any mistake a.. not bad.. i spend u makan roti when i get bak.. lol
haha ~~ PAT~!!!!
u really know me ~~~
haha ~~~like milton say :P
my input not equaly to out put ~~ wahahaha :P
haha ~~ the shope is at semenyih ~~ 2 row behind 7-eleven ~ :P
haha :P
i don't want roti ~ :P
dun wan roti? good.. save my money.. lol
but i wan o.. so u spend me la since u doesnt wan me spend u.. thx..
many ppl c this so we hv lots of witness.. cheers..
btw.. i'm going 4 beers n karaoke.. thx.. erm.. jiu k box la.. greg man sui..
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