today i went broGa hill~~!!! aGain ~!!!
click here and here to see more about previous broGa hill post ~^.^
and today ~
it should be a very very happy and wonderful Sunday ~!!!
because i Get a nice picture in a nice view and nice pose~ :P
see~what a poser ~~
see ~~ from the picture ~ >.<
the petrol went off ~ no fuel T.T
because somethinG breakdown @.@
there is another reason ~!!!
(yea ~ there is always another reason behind everythinG)
and this let me knows the differences between friend~!!!
perhaps, "friend" ? or just say ~ "HOUSEMATE"~!!!???
ok ~!!!
here we Go~!!!
for the F**inG lonG and "cheonG hei" story ~
since the car runninG out of fuel and cannot move at all ~~
i called my "friend" for help ~
which stay with me and just not more than 2km from the place of incident~
the answer that we Get from a person who i so lonG called FRIEND was a disappointment~ #.#
he say he just woke up and he had somethinG to busy with ~!!!
what can a sinGle Guy busyinG in a Sunday morninG~!!???
he doesn't even need to Go to church or what ~!!
i know ~ FinalYearProject (FYP)~!!!
it's very very important ~
yea~~i know ~ i knew ~ who doesn't know ~~!! ??? @.@
with dissapointment~!
i make a second phone call for help ~!
i called ChuaVuiSenG~click here to know more about CVS~
he stayed about 10 km from the place of incident~
i asked him to help me to call for JOSEPH~
that's also stayed quite near to help us out~
because i never brinG my phone and didn't memorized his number T.T~
sorry JOSEPH~your number really too hard for me to remember lar :P
CVS wake up because of my phone call~
and when he know about that~
he directly come for help ~!!! ^.^
remember ~!!! he stayed 10km from us~
and he used like 15 min to come for us and help us sort out everythinG :P
yea~ and he also a final year student ~
that's also BUSY with FYP and others ~!!!
days before~he also claimed that he only will be free at 19 April 2009 ~!!!
but he still come ~!!!
this is what called FRIEND~!!!!
real true friend~!!!
you are my hero ~!!! XOXO ~!!! :) love ya :P
proud to have a friend like you ~!!!
see the differences ~!!???just that 15 minutes ???
FRIEND will help you without question~!
and "Friend"??? no way ~!!!
DID i still have to consider "HIM" as my friend ???!!!
you Guys tell me ok ~ >.< !!!
(yea~!! i know "YOU" will read my bloG but i just don't care~!!! why should i care ~!!!you wanna anGry with me or what ~!! Go a head ~!!!i won't care ~!!! but stay away from me~!!!)
yea ~ may be it's damn childish about this post ~!!
so what ~!!!
shit~! i'm just damn pissed now ~!!!
my "friend" just knocked on the door and explaininG~
i'm even more pissed off when he said that he DON'T know we are that near ~!!
WTF ~!! don't know ~ ???!!!
before that he Got ask me to walk home and Get the key ner~!!!
don't know ~!!!???
if he is a real friend~!!
if he do really care~!!!
who cares about the distance~!!!
don't want to help then just say lar~!!!
F**K OFF~!!!!
and leave me alone ~!!
i don't felt like talkinG to you anymore~!!!
until you seriously confessed and apologize~!!
you think yourself ~!!!
Go busy with you FYP~!!!!
childish?? not at all dude..
u did wut u hv 2 do.. wut u feels rite.. ofcoz not commited crime la..
i'll rate this post 4.5/5.. bez post ever.. XD
tat's y i said its hard 2 make new frens now.. coz thrusworthy is a problem.. ><
anyway.. kampate ba..
a fren in need is a fren indeed!
i thk even normal people not close also wil help lo!
ur so called fren was bad..
nahh... just get used to it... i got a case lately... she just cant accept me cuz im not a perfect human... duhhh... no one is perfect right??
mayb ur fren afraid of me... mayb he heard of sth else from the gal.. =X better i just shut up
this is a case which almost same with mine. that's why u see.. high school friend and college and uni fren..which one precious more..
bamboo, so glad to have fren like you!!lol
haha:) thank you guys!!!
You guys are my precious friend :)
Yet .. Still can get nice friends at UNi la:p
So far I met a lots :)
I was damn piss because this is the 1st shitty situation I met so far in my life :(
Carmen ...don't think too doesn't because of you la!
Janet:) we know since very very young ner :)
Can be bro and sister dy :p
lol.. no need 3 times so much gua.. XD
accident bah :P delete jor lur :P
u veli boring meh.. so faz reply d..
should have called me....
i still don't know your real identity ~!! reveal bah ~~ :P
haha ~ :P
so next time can call you ~~!!! :P
You used to sleep under me... Guess who??
Edy Chandra ~!!!!
who can Guess that's you ~!!!
3C ~!!!! wahkakaka :P
edy ~ i miss you wei ~!!!
erk hmmm ~!!!
i sleep at the lower deck of the double deck bed ar ~ :P
haha ~ need to say out clear ~ later people think i'm Gay then i can't Get Gf how ar ~~!!??? :P
hahaha :P
explain oso no use la..
every1 know u'r gay..
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