at that moment~~
When everyone is in the class room~
when our new lecturer~~
Dr. Mustapha Boulbibane~
was GivinG us lecture~~
and ~~ also ~~
when my class mate ~~
Tan Lee Geok~~~
was ~~perhaps ~~
sleepinG ~~ZZzzzZZzzz~ :P
i lose my concentration~~ T.T
(we havinG a 2 hour class~i have been concentratinG for 1hours 30minutes >.<)
i started thinkinG what to do later :P
"GreG~let's play squash~!!!" said my heart~
so i "na na shanG" immediately take out my phone ~~
textinG all possible friend that could accompany me~~
so i "na na shanG" immediately take out my phone ~~
textinG all possible friend that could accompany me~~
it ended up with ~
me~playinG squash with my dear~~
the squash wall in sport complex~~ T.T
then too borinG after 30 minutes~
i wanna Go home~
but then~accidently meet with other friend~
that GoinG to play tennis ~~
so aGain ~
i "nana shanG" immediately take my tennis racket from JOSEPH room ~~
still remember JOSEPH ??? if forGet here haha :P
wow ~~ tennis is so tirinG and so hard to play ~~
since sweatinG already ~~
so i decided to PUMP it UP~~!!
Go for BASKETBALL~~!!!
wahkaka :P
yeah ~ today is considered as my SPORT day ~ :P
and also my shoe and basketball ^.^
And then hor ~~~ ^.^
i seriously LOVE tuesday ~~
because ~~~ Got lenG luisss playinG basketball ~~
wahkakaka ~~ :P
so~~ now ~~ i Got motivation already ~~!!!
i'll be sure playinG basketball
every TUESDAY~!!!
every TUESDAY~!!!
wahkaka :P
i know it's very small ~~
so i circled it for you Guys :P
ah ~another and then hor ~ when i check mail ~~
AnGlia shandy say will run ad at my bloG~~!!
yeah ~!! :P
but i still haven't see the ad Geh ?? @.@
who is the leng lui u mentioning!!!!!!!
go kap lui ar u,i'll post on all notice board n send email to all students "our sport complex got 色狼 (~G~) every tuesday, BEAWARE!"
ur dear is siapa???
next time bring me go play basketball on tueday as well a.. hehe
my dear is the squash wall lar ~~~
i playinG alone T.T
haha ~ :P
stupid Cindy ~ !!!
got other girl de bah :P
so waantttt oh youuuu!!!!
spending time on girl often,(muk liang moi)
desperate daoooo~~~
haha ~~ where got ~!!!
i nGam nGam see dao one ~~
not on purpose lor ~ :P
haha ~~~ aiks ~ no girl friend what ~~
muk lenG lui also can say in bloG ~~ :P
haha ~ :P
if Got girl friend ~ :P haha ~
muk also need to steal steal one ~ :Pwahkaka :P
hey, greg, bring me... i wan go play tuesday basketball too... hahah =)
ok.. lets make tuesday as basketball day then.. lol
we all go muk 2gether..
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