So another year of Christmas eve without family...
but ..nevermind...!!!
this is considered a nice Christmas ^.^
We bouGht some beef and cooked some STEAK!!!
and i decided to BBQ mine ~~!!
wow ~! both type of cookinG is nice ~! :)
wrap it with aluminium foil so will preserve the heat...^.^
and it do works !!!!
but somethinG is killinG the fun ! we forGet to buy the wine opener!! Y.Y
so we quickily rush to TESCO and Get one ~! huh ! luckily they have ! :P
we out some red wine in it and BBQ it aGain !
mana tahu ! the results was GREAT!!! it was so yummy ~!! :)
Yam flavoured Ice-cream ! with chocolate and ribena aGain ~!
wow ~! i really enjoy when friends Gathered toGether and cook toGether !
so fun ~!!! ^.^
so this is my Christmas eve...
Spaghetti, Creamy mushroom soup, salad, baked bean, steak, sausaGe, red wine, ice-cream, and whole lots of noises !!!
waw ~!
how about yours ????
is that a flower pot over there? LOL!! boleh makan ke? xDDD
yupe ~!! i steal it from my friends house ~! shhh..don't tell !
wahahha ~! sure lar ! sedap laGi tu ~~!!
Got chance bakar laGi ~! then let you try ~! wahahah ~!
MERRY Christmas peiyi !!! ^.^
Met your parents and richard at the church.. Merry Christmas Gregory Voo Chen Cheong. I hope you'll have an awesome 2010! :)
wahahahha ~! church yanG mana ??
i must prepare toilet roll then, in case after makan pergi toilet not enough tisu xD new year coming!!
wahahha ~! won't la ~! tastier somemore ~! ^.^
you Got any plan at 31st ??? :)
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