it's Snake Birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Our plan Goes like this...o700.wake up.PuchonG.dim sum.Pavillion.Movie.SinG K. SheeSha. Home.
but then due to everyone busyinG playinG CS, Starcraft, Dota..etc until late at niGht...
thinGs chanGed.
1030 just we all woke up and prepared.
wanted to rush for 12oo movie at pavillion..but then T.T we can't make it.
so we parked at Time Square.
called to all the available karaoke room.~!yeah ! GET a room! everythinG was so last minutes ~! :P
Had lunch at the pic .
BBQ plaza ~!!!! ^.^
see the tarts ??? like i had say..too much last minutes...
we can't find any cakes around that area within 15minutes.
so 21 eGG tarts as birthday "cake"~~~ -.-'
thinGs Goes crazy then even without alcohol!!!!! ^.^
chosen a sonG "脱掉"by杜德伟.then we starts aiminG one of our dudes and take off his clothes !! waw!!!!
have the opportunity to take this video we rippinG off him !! wahahhah !
denGdenGdenGdeng!!!!! exhausted !! but satisfied ! see his smile ? :P wahaha !
then we starts playinG Games!!!!
what Games ???
OMG!! freakinG Gay!! takinG off shirts Games aGain !!!
we chosen 劲歌金曲,劲歌金曲2-古巨基...
everyone sinG a verse..whoever who cannot sinG it !!! haha ! take off one clothinG!!!!
and since he don't wanna ~! we helped him!!!
wahahah ~!!! it was so crazy ! but fun !!!
but yummy ~! ^.^
then movie !!!! STORM RIDER!!!!
wow ! it was a really sad endinG movie lar !!! T.T
imaGine: your best buddy kill your lover and then you wanna kill him but you just can't kill him...then you have to save him somemore!!!! OMG!!! just watch the movie lar !!! aih....
X-mas is around the corner!!!!! hurray !!!!
ShoppinG malls and all around is showered with x-mas feel !!!!
snake?? metal gear??
hehe ,y friend name is SNAKE!!! his sur name se ~! so we call him snake! so till now i also forGet his real name dy ~~ wahahahah
yer why can sing k until take off shirts
hahaha that Just fun mah ~! if Got Girls ..sure won't do this kinda stupid stuff one ~! wahahhaha ~!!
u try do this with your friends lar ~! damn fun wei..
when it's almost your turn will be damn Gan jionG and kept on wonderinG what is the next verse !! and you will be damn happy if you know how to sinG the verse !! wahahha ! wow !
i love sinG K!!! <3 so love !!! ^.^
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