as usual..
all of use for sure Go to MELODY's house to see LION DANCE, eat KFC, Get ANG PAU and do some MATHS.... :D
MELODY, MasterChunG, AuntieChunG, SimonChunG, SieHan, JinGJinG
and a red LION..GRrrrrRRRrr
but i called it "tak dunG chenG" since younG due to the startinG sound of the drum :P
sorry ar..the video quite blur lor !!
because my stupid friend kept on kacau+inG and dun wanna me to Get a PERFECT record T.T
but i called it "tak dunG chenG" since younG due to the startinG sound of the drum :P
sorry ar..the video quite blur lor !!
because my stupid friend kept on kacau+inG and dun wanna me to Get a PERFECT record T.T's some MOST important thinG durinG CNY...
a red packet which contain pocket money :D
there's a story about anG pau...
tell you next time :P
OF COURSE !!! last but SUPER DUPER important !!!
here's some nice pic taken today :D
Alfred, ChuaVS, TonGLip, Micheal, GreG, Gun, PTY, YihShin, Pink, Melo, YunG
and some other are just too busy and squeezinG their brain doinG some maths and calculation :P
Other than that...
these are the activities at NIGHT !!!
yo!! WE loves MATHS !!!!
Here's a little tales durinG CNY...
Micheal Trying to do some SLAM DUNK and he is DRUNK!!!
look into the picture carefully...
see what you can get... :D
the moral value in this story is:
"you can easily do SLAM DUNK when you are DRUNK...but...the price you have to pay is a broken arm and ankle"
so..think twice before you do some SLAM DUNK...especially during CNY !!
This is YUNG and her little MAGIC trick :)
so cute !! wahaha !!
and awesome !!*applause*
This is YUNG and her little MAGIC trick :)
so cute !! wahaha !!
and awesome !!*applause*
hey, the 1st lion pics quite nice leh... =)
yoyo so fun neh!! xD but i missed it out ! haha
omg i can steal ur fire cracker pics? haha
haha !!! sure !!!
pay me "ban quan"
wahkakaka !!!
gimme ur pic also ar !!!
find one day !! :P
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