which means ~~i can Get my tax refund back...
which i joined WAT last summer~~ :P
W2 form~~
earned USD5578++
taxes are USD558++
yeah ~~Got money ~ but dunno how lonG will Get back :P
As usual~~borinG classes :P
DurinG Dr. Wael Elleithy class..
Jimmy and me start 传纸条:P
he drawed the lecturer :P
then~niGht sure Go makan lar ~~
makan at 新大马~~
Got more funny pic actually ~~
but STUPID 短婆KEE NAI CIN deleted T.T
wahkaka ~~
shit ner ~~
don't trust Girl next time ~~:P
After makan ~~ Go diGest lar ~~ :P
wahkaka ~~play tennis ~~~with Albert, Sam, Juanda, Milton.. :P
finally can use my Tennis racket that grow spider web oledi :P
after that ~~ also play basketball with coursemates :P
so healthy ~ :P
wah~~today i just know my UNI Got so many student oledi one ~~
shit ner ~~
squash court full with SRI LANKAN !!!
cannot play ~~ T.T
swiminG pool full with NiGerian...
basketball court so many people and volleyball court share one of the 5 basketball court!!
and sometimes 2 basketball court was used to play futsal ~~ T.T
shit nar ~~
wanna do sport also 辛苦~~~ T.T
that's why UNI student always become FAT PIG~~ T.T
summore eat so much tiam~~ :P
DAmn tired~~~
all rubbish talk ~~ Good niGht~~
c those lauk u makan..i oso wan makan o..
go sports wa..i bet u swing 2 times wif ur racket n jump 2 times without touching d balls in d courts n call it a day..
then u went bak 2 sleep..
ofcoz fat la like tat..u onli la..hahahahahaha
saw your msg too late@.@ haha
greg.. i suddenly come up wif this name which reli suit u..
非=不(不是)+ 常(正常)= 不正常
suit u le.. XD
i now officially named u as 非常懒猪.. hahahahahahaha
i give u a post in our brotherhood..
u'r d 康乐主管..
kampate n bring us more fun ya..
juz letting u know..
帮主 obviously is 平凡懒猪
副帮主 is 和平懒猪
总务 is ??懒猪
juz 4 fun.. XD
The amount you eat > The amount you exercise
Then its
= You grow fatter anyway
Learnt that from Vui Seng :P
haha ~~~
wanna exercise also hard lar ~~ wah sheh ~~
this world seriously a 弱肉强食。。强者生存。。wanna exercise als oneed to compete T.T
I agree! And why can't they play cricket on the football field? Isn't that how cricket is supposed to be played at anyway? Sigh.
because football field no spotliGht :P
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