Sunday, March 8, 2009

MALAYSIA STARBUCKS~~ i hate you~!!!

i FINALLY Get my camera back ~~~
hehe~~ and now that i just realize ~~
i put the wronG initial for my cousin ~~ :P
sorry ar ~~haha ~~
but thank you for helpinG me to take back the camera >.<

it should be "Miss." instead of "Mr." @.@
what a silly mistake :)

After met up with my cousin~
we have "breakfast?"(because it was like 1100?) at DraGon-I~
and walkinG around Sunway Pyramid~~
then~Go chillinG at Starbucks~
i only realized that Malaysia have NO white mocha T.T
ah~ so i cannot have my "white mocha chocolate frappuccino"~
so sad T.T~~
what country is this ~~ why don't have white mocha ~~ >.<
i only tasted it once at USA and i do really missed the taste T.T

because don't have white moche frappuccino
i drink this ~~ i forGet what this called :P
taste so~so~ only T.T

WaW~~after that ~ somethinG "GenG chau" happenned ~~
i Go to Gym with my cousin~~
at SubanG Parade :{
that Gym is kind of nice~ i like the classes offered there :P

this is the Gym~
i felt like joininG bah ~
why semenyih dun have such Gym ?

Firstly i Go try out ALL the equipment there~~ >.<
hehe ~ then i'm lazy already~
so i started camwhore+inG already ~ :P
hehe~wow~~also see alots of lenG lui duh ~
i see a younG aunty there ~~ very fit and pretty ~ :P
looks like korean~haha ~~or may be she is~
then i started "stalkinG" there ~ #.#
wahahah ~~aunty also want~ seriously "mou dak Gao" already ~
no mah ~ really very pretty bah ~ that younG aunty~hehe

started SS+inG already ~~ wahaha ~ :P
shit~~!! i have no muscles T.T

Done~ !!!enouGh stalkinG younG aunty~
i followed my cousin to join the "body pump" class :P
i tooks about an hour~~
and seriously pump out every sinGle energy of mine ~~
i'm totally exhausted ~
and even now ~~ T.T
i felt pain all over my body ~
really very very freakinG tirinG lar~

after Sauna and showerinG~~
i'm damn hunGry already ~~ ^.^
so we Go eat Kenny RoGers ~
yeah ~ it was aGes since the last time i ate it ~
the last time i eat is before the one at TAWAU haven't bankrupt :P

ah~~ what a nice meals ~~
hehe ~~ i get a "Gai bei"
so happy ~~

As a Conclusion~
what i learnt today is~
1.MALAYSIA = NO white mocha
2. EAT > Exercise= FAT~~!!!
"sei fei zai"~!!! keep fit lar ~!


'sei' lor ~ i haven't passed up my dissertation T.T
why ?
because i haven't finish lar ~ stupid~!!! T^T